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The Arizona State Legislative website provides Arizonans with important information about the state legislators, legislative council, the capitol museum, senate and house bills, and more.

The Arizona State Senate website provides you with up-to-date information on Senate floor activity, hearings and bills. 

You can use Bill Status Inquiry (BSI) to find bills and resolutions in the Arizona State Senate and House of Representatives. The records go back all the way to 1989.

The Request to Speak (RTS) application allows you to sign in, register your opinion and leave a comment for the committee members.

The Capitol Calendar, or Alis Today, shows events happening at the Capitol, floor and committee calendars, and more.

Arizona Capitol TV (ACTV) provides you with live streams of all Senate and House committee and floor sessions.

The Arizona Revised Statutes (ARS) are the statutory laws in the state of Arizona. 

The Arizona State Constitution is the governing document and framework for the State of Arizona. 

The Arizona State House website provides you with up-to-date information on House floor activity, hearings and bills. 

The Governor's website provides you with information about the Governor and their offices

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