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Senate Democratic Leadership Requests Investigation from Attorney General Mayes on possible Rogers’ A.R.S. § 16-192 Violation

Arizona Senate Democrats

Arizona State Senate 

1700 W. Washington St. 

Phoenix, AZ 85007 


Press Release

PHOENIX – Yesterday, Republican Senator Wendy Rogers released a letter of endorsement for Cottonwood Councilmember Lisa DuVernay in her official capacity as a Senate Senator. Using state resources to influence the outcome of an election is a violation of A.R.S. § 16-192. The Senate Democratic Caucus has referred her the letter and her subsequent post to X to the Attorney General for an investigation and released the following statement:  


“It is our understanding that Senator Rogers has blatantly violated A.R.S. § 16-192 today. We are, once again, disappointed by her behavior and have taken action to have this matter investigated by the Attorney General. Arizonans deserve to have confidence in their elected officials. Senator Rogers’ action may have been done carelessly or with blatant disregard for the law. Either way, it is an abuse of her position. 


No elected official is above the law.”  



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