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  • Arizona Senate Democrats

Bravo, Epstein honor victims of gun violence during National Gun Violence Week

Arizona State Senate 

1700 W. Washington St. 

Phoenix, AZ 85007 


Press Release  



January 29, 2023 

PHOENIX – Today is Gun Safety and Gun Violence Prevention Advocacy Days at the Arizona State Capitol. Senator Flavio Bravo and Senate Democratic Leader Mitzi Epstein are joining the movement by advocating for the legislature to pass gun reform bills. 

Each year, more people die from gun violence in the United States by early February than during an entire calendar year in other high-income countries. On top of that, 59% of adults in the U.S. report that they or someone they know or care about has experienced gun violence in their lifetime. 

Arizona has the 31st highest rate of gun violence in the U.S. with 1,228 people dying and 919 being wounded by guns in an average year.  

“These numbers don’t even account for the countless others who experience the collective trauma of gun violence,” said Senator Flavio Bravo (LD26). “Right now, our state is classified as a national failure because of our lack of gun safety. This is unacceptable. Our lenient gun policies are putting Arizona families and communities at risk by making it easier for children, domestic violence offenders, and violent criminals to have access to firearms. As state lawmakers, we have an obligation to act.”  

Gun violence touches every corner of our state and effects every demographic.  

“While we know that children and our marginalized communities are the most affected by violence, it can happen to anyone,” added Senate Democratic Leader Mitzi Epstein (LD12). “The Senate Democratic Caucus is dedicated to securing a better future for Arizonans and that includes gun safety. This session we will be introducing priority bills that require safe storage for guns, allow pediatricians to talk with parents about gun safety, and remove guns from people convicted of domestic violence. But our work does not end there; we will continue fighting for gun violence prevention measures to stop unnecessary deaths."  

Senate priority bills to address the gun violence epidemic will be introduced by Monday, January 29, 2024.  

Learn more about the Arizona Legislative Democrat’s 2024 Joint Priorities here:

Additional Gun Violence Facts: 

  • Arizona has the 17th-highest societal cost of gun violence in the US at $2,180 per resident each year. 

  • Gun deaths and injuries cost Arizona $15.9 billion each year, of which $253.2 million is paid by taxpayers. 

  • Guns are the 2nd-leading cause of death among children and teens in Arizona. In Arizona, an average of 89 children and teens die by guns every year.  

  • 38% of these deaths are suicides; and  

  • 54% are homicides. 

  • Black and Latinx youth disproportionately experience gun violence. 

  • 73% of female intimate partner homicide victims were killed with a gun.  


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