Arizona State Senate
1700 W. Washington St.
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Press Release
PHOENIX – Yesterday, immediately after taking office, President Trump signed an executive order that would end birthright citizenship for anyone born in the U.S. whose parents are not citizens. Birthright citizenship is guaranteed by the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and was affirmed by the Supreme Court in 1898. Senators Catherine Miranda (LD11) and Analise Ortiz (LD24) released the following statements:
Senator Catherine Miranda (LD11), ranking Democrat on the Senate Military Affairs and Border Security Committee, stated, “Yesterday we saw President Trump sign a range of executive orders relating to immigration, but the most atrocious order signed was the one that will end the right to birthright citizenship. The 14th Amendment was adopted following the Civil War to define citizenship and guarantee equal rights and protection under the law. It’s meaning and intent have always been clear. Every attack against this provision has been rooted in racism and Trump’s executive order is no different.
This move attempts to fulfill a long-term conservative goal based on the rhetoric that migrants cross into the U.S. illegally solely to have citizen children despite it being proven that the majority of migrants come for jobs or to better their lives.
Ending birthright citizenship is unconstitutional. It would require an amendment to the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which grants citizenship to all people born on U.S. soil. But more than that, removing birthright citizenship would be removing one of the things that truly makes the U.S. so special. Ending this staple of our society also ends our country’s unique civic fabric, our social cohesion, and the strength of our democracy.”
Senator Analise Ortiz (LD24), ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary and Elections Committee, added, “The Supreme Court’s ruling on the birthright citizenship clause in 1898 led to a dramatic demographic transformation of the United States. Integration of immigrants has always led to significant gains in the U.S. economy and social fabric.
Eliminating birthright citizenship would erode America’s current demographic advantage over competing international powers, needlessly endanger the advantage we have in internal assimilation and stability and entrench us in an unnecessary distraction from building an immigration system designed to guarantee continued American prosperity.
Our caucus stands firmly against this action by the Trump Administration. We will continue to support and advocate for our immigrant communities who intimately understand how precious the promise of the American Dream is and have helped build the strongest economy in the world.”